Most Amazing Book In The World QUR'AN Devine Words of Allah

Calling the Qur'an amazing is not something done only by Muslims, who have an appreciation for the book and who are pleased with it; it has been labeled amazing by non-Muslims as well. In fact, even people who hate Islam very much have still called it amazing.
Yet in every age there have been Muslims who have followed the advice of the Qur'an and made surprising discoveries. If one looks to the works of Muslim scientists if many centuries ago, one will find them full of quotations from the Qur'an. These works state that they did research in such a place, looking for something. And they affirm that the reason they looked in such and such a place was that the Qur'an pointed them in that direction. For example, the Qur'an mentions man's origin and then tells the reader, "Research it!" It gives the reader a hint where to look and then states that one should find out more about it. This is the kind of thing that Muslims today largely seem to overlook - but not always, as illustrated in the following example. A few years ago, a group of men in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia collected all if the verses in the Qur'an which discuss embryology - the growth of the human being in the womb. They said, "Here is what the Qur'an says. Is it the truth?" In essence, they took the advice of the Qur'an: "Ask the men who know." They chose, as it happened, a non-Muslim who is a professor of embryology at the University of Toronto. His name is Keith Moore, and he is the author of textbooks on embryology - a world expert on the subject. They invited him to Riyadh and said, "This is what the Qur'an says about your subject. Is it true? What can you tell us?" While he was in Riyadh, they gave him all of the help that he needed in translation and all of the cooperation for which he asked. And he was so surprised at what he found that he changed his textbooks. In fact, in the second edition of one of his books, called Before we are born... in the second edition about the history of embryology, he included some material that was not in the first edition because of what he found in the Qur'an. Truly this illustrates that the Qur'an was ahead of its time and that those who believe in the Qur'an know what other people do not know.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Keith Moore for a television presentation, and we talked a great deal about this - it was illustrated by slides and so on. He mentioned that some of the things that the Qur'an states about the growth of the human being were not known until thirty years ago. In fact, he said that one item in particular - the Qur'an's description of the human being as a "leech-like clot" ('alaqah) at one stage - was new to him; but when he checked on it, he found that it was true, and so he added it to his book. He said, "I never thought of that before," and he went to the zoology department and asked for a picture of a leech. When he found that it looked just like the human embryo, he decided to include both pictures in one of his textbooks. Dr. Moore also wrote a book on clinical embryology, and when he presented this information in Toronto, it caused quite a stir throughout Canada. It was on the front pages of some of the newspapers across Canada, and some of the headlines were quite funny. For instance, one headline read: "SURPRISING THING FOUND IN ANCIENT BOOK!"! It seems obvious from this example that people do not clearly understand what it is all about. As a matter of fact, one newspaper reporter asked Professor Moore, "Don't you think That maybe the Arabs might have known about these things - the description of the embryo, its appearance and how it changes and grows? Maybe there were not scientists, but maybe they did something crude dissections on their own - carved up people and examined these things."
The professor immediately pointed out to him that he [i.e., the reporter] had missed a very important point - all of the slides of the embryo that had been shown and had been projected in the film had come from pictures taken through a microscope. He said, "It does not matter if someone had tried to discover embryology fourteen centuries ago, they could not have seen it!". All of the descriptions in the Qur'an of the appearance of the embryo are of the item when it is still too small to see with the eye; therefore, one needs a microscope to see it. Since such a device had only been around for little more than two hundred years, Dr. Moore taunted, "Maybe fourteen centuries ago someone secretly had a microscope and did this research, making no mistakes anywhere. Then he somehow taught Muhammad and convinced him to put this information in his book. Then he destroyed his equipment and kept it a secret forever. Do you believe that? You really should not unless you bring some proof because it is such a ridiculous theory." In fact, when he was asked "How do you explain this information in the Qur'an?" Dr. Moore's reply was, "It could only have been divinely revealed."!
Although the aforementioned example of man researching information contained in the Qur'an deals with a non-Muslim, it is still valid because he is one of those who is knowledgeable in the subject being researched. Had some layman claimed that what the Qur'an says about embryology is true, then one would not necessarily have to accept his word. However, because of the high position, respect, and esteem man gives scholars, one naturally assumes that if they research a subject and arrive at a conclusion based on that research, then the conclusion is valid. One of Professor Moore's colleagues, Marshall Johnson, deals extensively with geology at the University of Toronto.
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    Brawal ush sana-sini cri pesugihan, namun hsl nol , htg bnyak & ke2cewaan bertubi2, trakhir sy akses ke daerah jateng , lebih parah lagi, biaya ritual sdh sy serahkan tapi sy malah duduk diam dan menunggu dirumah kosong ( tdk bernuasa mistis ) siang sy dtmpt tsb, tdk ada yg sy lakukan, hny tgg dan menunggu terus, smp pd akhirnya ada org yg ckp lumayan tua dtg dan menyapa, dan bilang pd sy besok pg sy harus segera kembali ( plg kerumah ) krn ghoib/ jin nya berpesan seperti itu, rasa curiga sy tepiskan dan sy sdkt bertanya kpd bpk tsb, sy tdk melakukan apa2 ( ritual ) tapi knp sy besok disuruh plg? Tapi ya sudahlah sy ikuti semua aturan mainnya, kata bapak tsb yg mengaku juru kunci, ghoibnya sdh menunggu dirumah dan menanti kehadiran sy, pesan si bapak sy smp dirumah wjb siapkan tmpat khusus, krn ghoib tsb ingin bertemu dan melakukan hub sex, krn yg sy tuju nikah jin, alhasil sdh 1 bln tdk kunjung smp ghoib/jin dpt temuin sy, akhirnya sy coba redakan untuk berkutet keinginan dunia pesugihan dlm kurun wktu 1 bln, sy cb cri info mgkin sj, ada ptjuk yg sy dptkan, sy buka youtube dan sy temukan pesugihan 1jam cair, , sy hub no 082 369 439 555 atas nama KY ARIF kmdian sy coba plajari, dan krm pesan sesuai yg diperintahkan KY ARIF! 2 jam sy dpt respon, ada percakapan dan diskusi , pd akhirnya dng uang yg tersisa sy pilih pesuigihan qorin ( tuyul putih ) , dng hitung2 pengeluaran & akomodasi bila ke lokasi ckp byak yg sy keluarkan, krn sy tinggal di KALIMANTANi, akhirnya sy memutuskan untuk barang pesanan sy dikirm lewat pos, 2 hari sy menunggu dan dpt kabar, sy lengkapi semua admin yg tercantum seperti data alamat dan jati diri, krn barang siap dikirim saat hal tsb terlengkapi, kmdian brg tiba dirumah sy, sblm sy buka sy izin dng yg memberikan pengarahan pesugihan yg sy pilih, siang brg tsb smp, sore sy buka dan ikuti petunjuk yg tertera, sy siapkan : bunga segar dan dupa buat pembakaran , mlm sy mulai focus, ada mantra yg mudah sy hafalkan untuk ritualisasi tuyul putih tsb, ckp 1 jam sy hafal, 3 hari berturut2 sy blm jg mlht wjd asli / padat ghoib tuyul yg sy mau miliki, sy konsul ternyata ada berbenturan energy dari melalangbuana sy selama ini dengan hal2 yg berbau ghoib, sy diperintahkan untuk usaha menyediankan kembang kantil merah 1 buah sj, krn brg tsb alat untuk dpt sy bertemu dng tuyul itu, sy pesan kembali barang yg sy inginkan, dlm wkt 1 minggu sy terima kembang tsb lwt paket yg dikirim, kondisi msih segar, mlmnya sy lakukan ritualisasi kembali, sm spt apa yg pernah sy lakukan sblmnya, hny butuh 1 jam sy du2k bersila dan focus, bentuk padat dari tuyul qorin sy dpt lht dng jlz, sy berinteraksi dng full, sepasang sosok yg sngt lucu dan sdkt menyeramkan, sy puas dan senang , krn dari org yg membantu sy , tuyul bru dpt difungsikan saat diri melihat ghoib scr nyata ( bukan lwt mimpi / bayangan ) besoknya tepat jam 7 pg sy bw kepasar ramai penjunjung dan penjual, 1 hari sy minta tuyul tsb berikan sy uang 5 jt s/d 10 jt, hal ini terus dan terus berjalan dng baik, smp pd akhirnya stlah pengeluaran usha cri info pesugihan yg slama ini sy bnyak htg sdh tertutupi sy melakukan ritual nikah jin, krn sy ingin mendapatkan uang yg jmlahya cpt dan nilainya ratusan juta, sy dtg kelokasi yg dituju, sy melakukan drip roses ritualnya sesuai dengan yg tertuang KY ARIF semuanya sy jumpai dan jalankan dng baik, smp pd akhirnya sy bertemu dng yg namanya jin yg cantinya luar biasa, dan terikat kontrak 10 thn dari usia sy 35 thn, sy berjumpa 1 kali dalam seminggu ditiap malam jum’at, skrg ini khdpan sy luar biasa, tetap memiliki tuyul qorin ( golongan putih ) dan istri jin yg sy namakan : BALQIS ( sperti nm istri nabi sulaiman ) , tks kpd org yg rs hormat yg luar biasa dan tak terhingga sy haturkan, mgkin dng sedikit tulisan singkat ini, bisa bermanfaat untuk org yg senasib dng saya .igin merubah nasib seperti saya silahkan hub KY ARIF DI NO 082 369 439 555
